Jonathan & Brooke = Meant to Be!! :: Engagement Session : Nashville Photographer

Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan!  Brooke you have yourself quite the catch!  For those of you who don’t know Jonathan has been one of my dearest roommates for the past 2 years.  I knew instantly when I met Jonathan that he had a good soul.  Over the past 2 years we have become great friends and when I found out he found the girl he’s been praying for I was so incredibly happy!!!  Brooke is such a perfect fit for Jonathan.  Their love shines through the photos below… Jonathan & Brooke I wish you a life full of happiness!!!


Sun light hair light - Nashville Engagement Photography

Cabin House - Couple photo - Engagement - Nashville - Agricultural Center

Agricultural Center Tree Photo

Spinning around with fiance in his arms agricultural center

running couple engagement agricultural center - love

engagement photo fun - jumping in the air

couple laying in the grass

kissing in the grass

beauty shot couple laying in the grass


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